
Cover Image for Basic Rust Web API: Part III

This is part 3 of the development of a simple Rust Web API with the Rocket framework. In this post, I will be introducing a new POST route and a RwLock to add mutable state to our program.

Alexander Chau
Alexander Chau

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Cover Image for Basic Rust Web API: Part II

Basic Rust Web API: Part II

This is part 2 of the development of a simple Rust Web API with the Rocket framework. In this post, I go over dynamic endpoints.

Alexander Chau
Alexander Chau
Cover Image for Basic Rust Web API: Part I

Basic Rust Web API: Part I

Rust is a systems programming language that boasts a speedy runtime at the expense of slower developer and compile time. This series of post is intended to share an introductory program to Rust and the Rocket Web Framework. In this post, I go over setting up a GET endpoint.

Alexander Chau
Alexander Chau